NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Courses and Specifications

NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Courses and Specifications. Explore the comprehensive guide to NOUN’s Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT) courses in 2024 from 100 Level to 400 Level (first and second semester). Discover program structure, specializations, career paths, and FAQs to kickstart your digital journey!


This post will show you the list of NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Courses and their specifications. It further outlines the various courses a student is expected to undertake before attaining the degree programme.

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Introduction: NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Courses.

The digital age beckons and the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) is your gateway to mastering its complexities. Dive headfirst into the vibrant world of NOUN’s B.Sc. Information Technology program, crafted to equip you with the skills and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a career aspirant, NOUN’s flexible learning model and comprehensive curriculum pave the way for your digital success.

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List of NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Courses.

Outline of Course Structure: The B. Sc., Honours, Information Technology; 

100 Level 

Course CodeCourse TitleUnitStatus
1st Semester  
GST 101Use of English and Communication Skills I2C
GST 107The Good Study Guide2C
BIO101General Biology2C
CHM101Introductory Inorganic Chemistry2C
CIT 101Computers in Society 2C
CIT 143Introduction to Data Organisation and Management2C
MTH 121Linear Algebra I2C
PHY 111Elementary Mechanics2C
PHY 113Heat and Properties of Matter2C
PHY 191Introductory Practical Physics I2C
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory20 
 Total Credit Units – Elective  0 
 Total Credit Units20 
2nd Semester  
GST 102Use of English and Communication Skills II2C
 GST 105History and Philosophy of Science2C
GST 122Introduction to Philosophy & logic2C
CIT 102 Software Application Skills2C
CIT 132Programming in BASIC2C
MTH102Introductory Statistics2C
MTH 112Differential  Calculus2C
MTH 122Integral Calculus2C
MTH 142Vectors and Geometry2C
PHY 132Electricity,  Magnetism   and Modern Physics2C
PHY 192Introductory Practical Physics II2C
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory22 
 Total Credit Units – Elective  0 
 Total Credit Units22 

200 Level

Course CodeCourse TitleUnitStatus
1st Semester  
GST 201Nigerian Peoples and Cultures2C
CIT 211Introduction to Operating Systems3C
CIT 215Introduction to Programming Languages3C
CIT 237Programming & Algorithms 3C
MTH 211Introduction to Set Theory and Abstract Algebra3E
MTH 241Introduction to Real Analysis3E
MTH 281Mathematical Methods I3C
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory14 
 Total Credit Units – Elective  6 
 Total Credit Units N/B: Students are expected to offer at least one elective course per semester. Maximum credit units allowed per semester is 2520 
2nd Semester  
CIT 208Information Systems2C
CIT 212Systems Analysis and Design3C
CIT 236Analog and Digital Electronics3C
CIT 292Computer Laboratory I2C
MTH 212Linear Algebra II3E
MTH 232Elementary Differential Equation3C
MTH 282Mathematical Methods II3
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory16 
 Total Credit Units – Elective  6 
 Total Credit Units N/B: Students are expected to offer at least one elective course per semester. The maximum credit units allowed per semester is 2522 

300 Level

Course CodeCourse Titles UnitsStatus
1st Semester   
CIT 303Principles of Communication Technology3C
CIT 305Networking and Communication Technology3C
CIT 309Computer Architecture3C
CIT 311Computer Networks3C
CIT 341Data Structures3E
CIT 371Introduction to Computer Graphics and Animation3E
CIT381File Processing and Management3E
DAM 301Data Mining and Data Warehousing3C
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory15 
 Total Credit Units – Elective  9 
         Total Credit Units N/B: Students are expected to offer at least one elective course per semester. Maximum credit units allowed per semester is 2524 
2nd Semester  
CIT 322Introduction to Internet Programming3E
CIT 342Total Credit Units N/B: Students are expected to offer at least one elective course per semester. The maximum credit units allowed per semester is 253C
CIT 344Introduction to Computer Design3C
CIT389Industrial Training3C
CIT 392Computer Laboratory II2C
DAM344Semantic Data Modelling2E
DAM 364Management Information Systems (MIS)2C
DAM382Information Systems Management3E
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory13 
 Total Credit Units – Elective  8 
 Formal Languages & Automata Theory21 

400 Level 

Course CodeCourse Titles UnitsStatus
1st Semester  
CIT 403Emerging Technologies3C
CIT 411Microcomputers & Microprocessors2C
CIT 415Introduction to E-commerce3E
CIT 427Database Systems & Management3C
CIT 445Principles & Techniques of Compilers3E
CIT 461Internet Architecture & Communication3C
CIT 463Introduction to Multimedia Technology3E
CIT 465Network Administration2C
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory13 
 Total Credit Units – Elective  9 
 Total Credit Units N/B: Students are expected to offer at least one elective course per semester. The maximum credit units allowed per semester is 2522 
2nd Semester
CIT 425Operations Research3C
CIT 474Introduction to Expert Systems2C
CIT 478Artificial intelligence2E
CIT 484Website Design & Programming3E
CIT 499Project4C
DAM 461Statistical Database System3C
 Total Credit Units – Compulsory12 
 Total Credit Units – Elective 5 
 Total Credit Units N/B: Students are expected to offer at least one elective course per semester.  The maximum credit units allowed per semester is 2517 

N/B: B.Sc (Communication Technology Students) Students must accumulate a minimum of 120 credit units to graduate.

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Course Content Specifications.

For graduation with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Communication Technology, a student must have passed 125 units of compulsory courses with a minimum of 15 credit units from elective courses for 8 semester structure; while for 6 semester structure, a student must pass 90 credit units of compulsory courses with 20 credit units of elective courses.

NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Course
NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Course

Find below the course descriptions:

GST101:Use of English and Communication Skill I (2 units)
GST107:  The Good Study Guide (2 units) (Outstanding)
CIT 101:  Computers in Society (2 units) What is Computer, Types  of Computer,  History of Digital Computer, Element  of  a Computer  :   Hardware  and Software.  How to work with  a computer.  Operating System  Windows Files  word processing, copying a text, saving, Changes to  a document  and Formatting, spelling checker and introduction to  Printing a document.  Spread sheet, Entering and correcting data.  Using  Formula, Numeric Formats Creating Charts.  Types of Charts  Power  Points  and  presentation. Networking, Internet and E-mail. Reading and responding  to  an E-mail message.
MTH 111:Trigonometry (2 units)
   Trigonometric functions; Radian measure, law of sine and cosine, sum, differences  and product formulas.  Trigonometric identities, Inverse trigonometric functions, solutions of Trigonometric equations.  Graph of Trigonometry functions.
MTH 121:  Linear Algebra I (2 units) Definition of set, subset, union, intersection, complements, Venn diagram, null set, power sets, chain rule, tangent line to a space curve, tangent plane to a surface, maxima and minima, Taylor’s formula.  Symbolic logic and truth tables, Boolean algebra, open and close sentences; conjunction, disjunction, tautology and application of logics in circuit design.
PHY 111:Elementary Mechanics (2 units)   Physical quantities, unit and dimensions space and time, frames of reference, vestures and scalars, kinematics – straight line, line motion, vertical motion, circular motion, deviation.  Dynamics – Equilibrium, work and energy, mass and momentum, laws of inertia, rotational motion, simple harmonic motion, conservation laws, simple machines, fundamental laws of static and dynamics, Galilean invariance.
PHY 122:  Heat and Properties of Matter (1 unit) Heat and temperature, work and heat, heat capacities, thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases, latent heat, gas laws, heat transfer, isothermal and adiabatic changes, laws of thermo dynamics.  Simple kinetic theory of gases the Vander Waals gas. Basic concepts and properties of waves; types of waves, wave nature of light. Classification of matter into (solids, liquids and gases, forces between atoms and molecules, molecular theory of matter, elasticity, plasticity, Hook’s Law, Young’s Shear and bulk Moduli) Crystalline and noncrystalline materials, Hydro-dynamics-streamlines, Bernouli and continuity equations, turbulence, Reynold’s number, Viscosity, laminar flow, Poiseville’s equation, surface tension, adhesion, cohesion, capillary, drops and bubbles.
PHY 191:  Introductory Practical Physics I (2 units) Selected experiments on topics covered in PHY 111 and PHY 122, Application of a variety of simple experimental techniques with emphasis on quantitative measurements, experimental errors and graphical analysis.
GST102:Use of English and Communication Skill II (2 units)
GST 105: History and Philosophy of Science (2 units) Nature of science, scientific methods and theories; Law of nature,; History of science. Lost sciences of Africa, science, technology and inventions. Nature and scope of philosophy in science. Man, nature and his origin. Man , environment and resources. Great Nigerian Scientists.  
CIT 102:Application Software Skills (2 units)   Overview of the discipline of Computer Science General structure of a computer system; Historical development of computer systems; Generations of computer system; Computer operations; Internal structure of a computer hardware; Microcomputer technology; Computer numbering system;    computer arithmetic; computer data representation schemes; Problem solving with computers Elements of programming languages.  Computers in the Society internet and its facilities.  Basic file processing concepts.  Introduction to computer programming using VISUAL BASIC programming language; Algorithms, Data Structures and Logic; Laboratory exercises in VISUAL BASIC programming and the Internet. CIT 132: Programming in BASIC (2 units)    
 Introduction to programming: Problem Solving Concepts, Flowcharting, and Programming Languages; Fundamental Concepts and Language Structure: statement structure, The BASIC Character Set, Predefined Functions; Solving simple problems with BASIC: BASIC statements – END, PRINT, LET, READ, DATA, RESTORE, INPUT, GOTO, IF-THEN, ON-GOTO, FOR-NEXT, STEP, DIM, GOSUB, RETURN, etc. Loops, Arrays, and Nested Loops, Constants, Variables, and Arithmetic Operations; Using predefined functions, Defining your own functions; Constructing and using subroutines; Formatting printed output: PRINT, TAB, PRINT USING, and Format statements; Storing and retrieving programs and data.
MTH102:  Introductory Statistics (2 units) Measures of central tendency and dispersion, (grouped and ungrouped); mean: – arithmetic and geometric, harmonic, median, mode quartiles, deciles, modes, relative and absolute dispersion, sample space and events as sets.  Finite probability space properties of probability.  Statistical independence and conditional probability.  Tree diagram.  Bayes theorem.  Discrete and continuous random variables.  Expectation, independent Bernoulli trials.  Binomial Poisson and Normal distributions.  Normal approximation to binomial and Poisson distribution, Hyper geometric.
MTH 112:Differential Calculus (2 units) Real number: The number line, intervals, properties of absolute value.  Solving inequalities sign chart.  Function from IR to IR, domain range, graph, monotonically increasing, decreasing functions.  Inverse functions.  Composition of functions.  Even and odd functions, periodic functions, Limits, convergence sequences.  Limit of a function, left and right limits and continuity.  Differentiability at a point and on an interval.  Sum, product and quotient rule.  Chain rule for inverse function.  Implicit differential.  
MTH 122:Integral Calculus (2 units)   Fundamental theorem of calculus.  Integration by parts, change of variable method, integration of rational functions, trigonometric integral, trigonometric substitutions.  Numerical integration: Trapezium method.
MTH 142:Vectors and Geometry(2 units) Equations of lines and planes.  Conic sections, circles parabola, hyperbola, ellipse.  Vectors in IR2, IR3, Scalar products.  Vector product Triple products.  Application to Geometry.  (Note: Vector approach should be used where necessary)        
PHY 124:  Geometric and Wave Optics (2 units) Reflection and Refraction.  Review of refractive index and Snell’s law, real and apparent depth, total internal reflection, critical angle, methods of measuring refractive index. The air-cell method. The Prism, refraction through prism. Angle of deviation, minimum deviation, principle of reversibility of light ray, small angle prism. Lenses and their construction. Derivations of lens formula and lens. Makers formulas. Virtual objects, magnification. Thin leaves in contact. Newton’s formula. Spherical mirrors. The mirror formula, spherical and chromatic aberrations. Eye defects; calculation of powers and focal length of correcting lenses. Dispersion and Spectrometer. Dispersion and dispersive power. The spectrometer, essential parts and adjustments; measurements of refractive index. Spectroscopy, classification of spectra. Applications. Optical instruments. Basic principles, the simple magnifying glass. The compound microscope, the astronomical telescope, the eye ring. Wave Nature of light. Interference of light, optical path, conditions for interference, interference fringes. Young’s experiments, Fresnel’s bi-prism. Parallel sided thin films, the wedge fringes. Newton’s rings. Applications of interference. Polarisation, Malus law, Polaroids
PHY 132:  Electricity, Magnetism  and Modern Physics (2 units) Electrostatics – electric charges, forces between electric charges, static electricity, conductors and currents, dielectrics, heating effects of Current-secbeck and Peltic effects with practical applications.  Magnetic fields – fields due to a flat Coil, Solenoid and infinitely long straight wire, forces between current-carrying conductors, Ammeters, electrolysis and ion velocities, Voltameters.  Practical application of electrolysis, Magnetic induction, Maxwell’s equation, electromagnetic oscillations, waves and applications. 
PHY 192:Introductory Physics Practical II (2 units)   Selected experiments on topic covered in PHY 131 and PHY 102 with emphasis on application of a variety of simple experimental technique, quantitative measurements, experimental errors and graphical analysis.
CIT 211:  Introduction to Operating System (3 units) Definition of an operating system; Types of operating systems; and real time (singleuser/multi-user), timesharing; Examples of operating systems; DOS, CP/M, UNIT/ZENITH,/LINUX, MS/9798/2000, etc.  Components of an operating system; Supervisor, memory manager, I/O handlers, file system, etc. Operating system interface with the hardware; interrupts, i/o channel, multiplexer, registers, status words.  Operating system interface with other systems software; linkers, translators, libraries, etc.  storage organization and protection.  
CIT 215:  Introduction to  Programming (3 units) FORTRAN programming language; Comparison of various versions of the language. Programming exercises using FORTRAN with emphasis on scientific application problems. Elements of Pascal language. Exercises in Pascal Programme structures and programming concepts; Structured design principles; abstraction, modularity, stepwise refinement, structured design techniques teaching of a structured programming language, e.g. PASCAL/JAVA, C++.  
CIT 237:  Programming and Algorithms (3 units) The programme development process, programme design, coding, and testing principles of good programming styles; Programme verification techniques; Programme documentations and maintenance; Programme design tools, e.g. flowcharts, pseudocodes, etc.  Illustration of the various concepts with practical programming problems of manageable complexity e.g. Knight’s tour or 8-queens, life game problems, etc.  Algorithms and data structures; Divide-and-conquer algorithms; Stacks, queues, trees. A treatment of popular sorting and searching algorithms; performance analysis of algorithms.  Worst-, best-and average-case performance of the algorithms.  Recursion, Hill-climbing techniques.  
MTH 211:Introduction to Set theory and Abstract Algebra (3 units)   Set: Binary operations, mapping, equivalence relations integers: Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, congruence equations, Euler’s function (n) Group Theory: Definition and examples of groups. Subgroups, coset decomposition, Lagrange’s theorem.  Cyclic groups.  Homomorphism, isomorphism.  Odd and even permutations, Cayley’s theorem.  Rings: Definition and examples of rings.  Commutative rings.  Integral domain.  Order, wellordering principles.  Mathematical induction.
MTH 241:  Introduction to Real Analysis (3 units) Set: Cartesian products, functions and mappings direct and inverse images.  Countable sets.  Limits: Elementary properties of limits.  Upper and lower bounds, supremum, infimum, convergence of sequences.  Limit of monotone functions and sequences.  Candy convergence principles.  Continuity: Rea-Valued functions of a real variable Monotone functions, periodic functions, bounded functions. Continuity of functions using neighbourhood.  Elementary properties of continuous functions.  Uniform continuity.  Series: convergence of series, tests for convergence, absolute convergence, power series, uniform convergence.
MTH 281:  Mathematical Methods I (3 units) Sequences and Series: Limits, continuity, Differentiability, implicit functions, sequences.  Series, test for convergence sequences and series of functions.  Calculus: partial differentiation, total derivatives, implicitly functions, change of variables.  Taylor’s theorem and maxima and minima functions, of two variables.  Langrangian multiplier.  Numerical Methods: Introduction to iterative methods, Newton’s method applied to finding roots.  Trapezium and Sipsons rules of integration.
CIT 208:  Information systems (2 units) Introduction & Basic SQL Project Introduction. Advanced SQL. Conceptual Modelling and Schema Design. Database Programming, JDBC, Regular Expressions. Functional Dependencies E2: Functional Dependency & Relational Algebra. Relational Algebra. Introduction to XML. XML and XQuery. Web Services. Transactions. Recovery. Database Heterogeneity.
CIT 212:Systems Analysis & Design (3 units)   General systems concepts: Systems project team organisation; Overview of systems development process; Project identification and selection; system requirements analysis and feasibility study; fact finding techniques; Systems design; Analysis techniques and tools e.g. Jackson System Development (JSD) techniques etc.  Data flow diagrams, HIPO charts.  Business system design; procurement, site preparation, system installation, system testing, system conversions; system project, report writing, and presentation; system documentation; post installation evaluation; compilation of a real-life system analysis team project to provide experience in applying the principles and techniques presented above 
CIT 236: Analog and Digital Electronics         (3units) Biploar Junction Transistors: Common Emitter biasin, load lines;  Small signal Amplifiers: Transistor Hybrid parameters, Analysis of a single stage transistor amplifier small signal operation,  Field Effect Transistors, Introduction to feedback, Operational Amplifiers, DC power supplies, Voltage regulators, Heat sinks, Boolean Algebra, Logic gates, Karnaugh Maps  
CIT 292:  Computer Laboratory I (2 units) Basic logic Operations. Combinational logic, Karnaugh maps, Simple latch and clocked flip flop, J-k flip-flops, Binary addition, Synchronous counters, up and down counters.
MTH 212:  Linear Algebra II (3 units) Vector spaces.  Linear independence.  Basis, change of basis and dimension. Linear equations and matrices.  Linear maps.  The diagonal, permutation, triangular matrices.  Elementary matrix.  The inverse of a matrix.  Rank and nullity.  Determinants.  Adjoint, cofactors, inverse matrix.  Determinantial rank.  Crammer’s rule. Canonical forms, similar matrices, Eigen values and vectors, quadratic forms.
MTH 232:    Elementary Differential Equation (3 units) Introduction, equation of first order and first degree, separable equations, homogeneous equations, exact equations, linear equations, Bernoulli’s and Riccati equations.  Applications to mechanics and electricity.  Orthogonal and oblique trajectories.  Second order equations with constant coefficients.
MTH 282:Mathematical Methods II (3 units)   Vector Theory: Vector and scalar field functions.  Grad, div, curl, directional derivatives.  Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Complex Numbers: The algebra and geometry of complex numbers; d’Moivre’s theorem.  Elementary transcendental functions.  The nth root of unity and of a general complex number. 
CIT 303:     Principles of Communication Technology (3 units) Drives and Sensors:  Functionality, calculation, and operational behavior of motors; Functionality and choice of sensors; Drive design and regulation; Decentralized drive systems.  Communication and Networks: Functionality and integration of automation components (bus systems, automation devices, communication modules, process control systems); Networked automation technology; Service and monitoring systems, Human Machine Interface; Planning and the basic principles of project planning with Profinet / industrial Ethernet-based networks. Safety Engineering in Automation Technology: Project planning for an error-proof automation system; Error-proof communication and programming; Remote diagnostics, elimination of errors, and remote maintenance. Automated Systems: Integral development methodology in automation; Economic development (planning, budgeting); Application examples.
CIT 305:   Networking and Communication Technology (3 units) Introduction; Constructing data links, Deploying physical media; Practical network protocols; Capitalizing on Ethernet; Harnessing Wi-Fi for user mobility; Building internetworks using TCP/IP and routers; Utilizing telecommunication circuits; Implementing security best practices; Creating enterprise networks; Planning and selection. Protocols, technologies, standards, and applications of data communications and computer networks for both LANs and WANs. Foundation and background of Advanced WAN and LAN classes. Signal transmission analysis, modulation concepts, modems, multiplexers, digital technologies, transmission impairments, and various transmission media will be extensively discussed. Network protocols based on the OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP protocol suite, and IEEE 802 standards. Network technologies: ISDN, DSL, SONET, packet switching networks, LAN technologies, Internet and TCP/IP, and ATM  
CIT 309:Computer Architecture (3 units)   Introduction, basic computer organization; Instruction formats, instruction sets and their design; ALU design: Adders, subtracters, logic operations; Boolean Algebra; Karnaugh Maps; Datapath design; Control design: Hardwired control, microprogrammed control; More on arithmetic: Multiplication, division, floating point arithmetic; RISC machines; Pipelining; Memory systems and error detection and error correction coding; Caches; Memory; I/O and Storage; Multiple Issue; Dynamic Scheduling; Data-Level Parallelism and Vectors; Shared-Memory; Multiprocessors; Multithreading  
CIT 311:  Computer Networks (3 units) Networks, The Topologies, characteristics of the OSI Layer OSI Models and Communication between systems, Interaction between OSI Model layers, protocols types of Network :  Local Area Network (LAN) Metropolitan Network (MAN): Wide Area Network (WAN).  Medium Dataflow, physical connection, Transmission Media connecting devices repeaters, Hubs, Bridges Routers Gateway
CIT 341:Data Structures (3 units) Basic data structure including lists and trees, constructs for specifying and manipulating data types.  List structures, Binary, AVL and other trees, traversal algorithm, graphs, rings, recursive programming, storage managements; stacks, queues, language features affecting static and dynamic data structures, fixed and variable sized blocks, best-fit, first-fit, etc.  garbage collection, fragmentation, buddy system, block compaction and relocation hash tables, programming exercises involving the implementation and use of data structures.  
CIT 371:  Introduction to Computer Graphics & Animations (3 units) Mathematics of 3-Ds and projections; graphical data structures; characteristics, and types of display memories; graphics hardware including digital plotters and display devices; graphics, software; 
CIT 381:File Processing and Management (3 units)   Review of basic, file processing concepts; the file management concepts; basic terminology and concepts; structure of file management systems; Data flow between systems; Data flow between systems; Data flow between internal memory and external storage; blocking and deblocking; files; searching and sorting techniques, merging; relevant i/o facilities for files processing of some high level programming languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, etc; file organization methods; sequential indexed, direct/random, etc; Data validation; report generation, file management packages; file management security and integrity; assignment and completion of a data processing project Structures.
DAM 301:    Data Mining and Data Warehousing (3 units) Data Mining; Definition relationship to warehousing  Classification of data mining approaches to data mining  problems application of data mining , commercial tools of data mining, knowledge discovery, Architecture of Data warehousing  Data marts, Data warehousing lifecycle, data modelling  Building of data warehouse, OLAP, MOLAP, ROLAP  Data warehouse and views. Future open issue for data warehouse.
CIT 322:  Introduction to Internet Programming (3 units) Introduction to current programming models in  generating and supporting rich real-world web based applications. Internet architecture and organization. Internet services, electronic mail, data transfer, dial-up, connection protocols. Connection to Internet: modem connection, dial-up servers. Modern protocols for multimedia communication: Common Gateway Interface (CGI), multimedia messaging, protocols for multimedia communication – hypertext. HTML programming language: HTML tags and concepts such as tables, frames, forms and cascading style sheets; hypertext design. Web services and servers, examples and design of web pages, search engines and indexing. Elements of programming language: JavaScript, dynamic HTML pages. Development and the future communication using Internet. New technologies.
CIT 342:    Formal Languages and Automata Theory (3 units) Introduction to language structures; languages and their representations; Grammars; formal notations, types, Chomsky’s language hierarchy; sentence generation and recognition; derivations; Ambiguity and syntax and finite state automata; context-free grammars; simplification of context-free grammars; Chomsky, Greibach Normal Forms Push-Down automata, LR(K), grammars, Recursive languages; semantics. Lab. exercises.
CIT 344:Introduction to Computer Design (3 units)   Introduction to numbers and codes. Combinational logic design and applications:  adders, decoders, multiplexers, etc. Sequential logic design and applications:  registers, flip-flops, etc., and general finite state machines. Memory devices:  read-only memory (ROM), random access memory (RAM). Introduction to microprocessors:  arithmetic logic unit (ALU), basic CPU architecture, addressing modes and program execution. Assembly language programming:  programs for simple tasks; branching, loops, and subroutines.
CIT 389:  Industrial Training (3 units) Required 3 months of Industrial Training Students experiences will be documented and presented in a Seminar and submitted as a Tutor Marked Assignment. An example of a report is a report of a case study of a Cyber Cafe.
CIT 392:  Computer Laboratory II (2 units) Laboratory exercises using the programming language Laboratory exercises using a microcomputer operating system, e.g. MS-97/98/2000  Laboratory exercises using relevant programming languages such as C and C++. Submission of a group project report of case study of a computer centre. Laboratory Exercises in COBOL, ADA, and SQL.
DAM 344: Semantic Data Modelling (2 units)   Concepts of Data Modelling: Overview of Data Modelling, Data Modelling concepts, Data models Semantic Data Modelling: Overview of Semantic Data Modelling, Semantic Data Models  Semantic Data Modelling Concepts, Areas of Application of Semantic Data Modelling  Application in Computer,  Application in Business                                                                       
DAM364Management Information Systems (2 units)   Introduction to MIS, Types of MIS, Levels of Management, Overview of Information Technology, Technologies for Information System, Internets, Modes of Information Communication, Information Representation-,  Information Storage Media, Information Security.
DAM382Information Systems Management (3 units) 
CIT 403:Emerging Technologies (3 units)   Learners are to carry out researches and write Term papers on the Current/Emerging technologies in Information and Communication Technology
 CIT 411:Microcomputers and Microprocessors (2 units) Review of basic concepts in digital electronic; Microprocessors; functions, operations and architecture; comparison of current microprocessors; multi-chip and single chip; i/o organization; assembler language; comparison of instruction sets; address modes, stack operation; subroutines.  i/o data transfer; bus control; daisy chaining, handshaking etc; Interrupt structures; programmed transfer, DMA microcomputer systems; types of microprocessors; uses of microprocessors, microcomputer design for specific applications; microcomputer networking; interfacing microcomputer real-time control; laboratory exercises using an assembly language
CIT 415: Introduction to E-Commerce (3 units) Introduction of basic concepts and definitions; Techniques and methodologies for for developing and managing Web-sites for e-Commerce. Topics include: Introducing prerequisite skills, understanding Electronic business and electronic commerce, Techniques and methodology for site development, Developing and enhancing a Product Catalogue, Managing a Shopping Cart, Processing orders, Completing the Purchasing process and Tracking Shoppers Information.  
CIT 421:  Information Theory and Computer Communications System (3 units) Historical background of information theory models or computation systems, coding theory.  Information and encoding, basic concepts of interactive computing, interactive terminals devices protocols, direct links, communication channels, telecommunications links, simplex, half duplex, duplex, multiplex, concentrators, computer networks operating system for online processing routing algorithms, response, time reliability and security.
CIT 427:  Database Systems & Management (3 units) Basic concept of data bases, history of DBMS types of database, specific problems of data independence, data reliability, integrity, etc, data, data management, data base generation, raw data, data definitions, data structure, storage structure data base logical and physical organization, interrogation, data model, network, hierarchical relational, security, policies, privacy quality and integrity protection mechanism.
CIT 445:Principles and Techniques of Compliers (3 units)   Recapitulation of formal grammars; source code and target code structure of typical compiler, comparative compiling techniques.  Lexical analysis syntax analysis; simple precedence, operator precedence, LR(K) parsers; semantics, Runt time storage allocation code generation and code optimization.  Compiler-compilers.   Pragmatics of Compiler writing: Translator writing Error recovery and Optimization problems; Laboratory exercises leading to the productions of major parts of a compiler for an actual programming language.
CIT 461  Internet Architecture & Communications (3 units) History of the Internet. Internet protocols (IP, FTP, HTTP, TCP). Network topologies. Renters. Bridges. Gate ways. Backbones. World wide web (www). TTP Sites and examples. Internet Browsers ( Internet explorer, Netscape). Role of ISP’s Internet Connectivity Requirements. E-mail, E-Business. Website design and Hosting. Engines.
CIT 463:  Introduction to Multimedia Technology (3 units) Introduction: What is multimedia, Multimedia systems, Quality of service, Synchronization & orchestration, Standards, Convergence, Value chain.  Hardware: Multimedia computers, Video and graphics, Audio, Telephone, video conference, and networks, CD and DVD, USB and FireWire, Processors, Video for Windows, DirectX, and ActiveMovie. Software: Browser based software architecture, Distributed software, Servers, Network, Terminals. Audio and Video: Digital audio; Psycho acoustics, Digital presentation of sound, Digital images, JPEG, Video signal, Camera sensors, Colors, Color television, Equipment, Compression systems, Basics of video compression, Methods, Algorithms. Interchange Formats: Application areas, Requirements, Track and object model, Real-time transfer, Different transfer formats, Comparison.  Authoring Tools: Production process, Tools, Barriers, Development areas. Communications: QoS, ATM, QoS implementations, Integrated Services, Differentiated Services. Multicast: Group control, Routing, Real-time transfer and control protocols, Resource reservation, Session control, MBone. Video Conference: Standards, Products, Internet telephony, CTI (Computer Telephony Integration). Access Networks: Cable television, Digital subscriber lines, UMTS, Digital television.
CIT 465:    Network Administration (2 units) Introduction to Network Administration: scope, goals, philosophy & standards. IT System Components and Network Structures, technology and protocols. System Administration: host computer and user management. Network Administration methods and Standards. Managing devices using SNMP and RMON. Management issues: planning, implementation, fault diagnosis and recovery. Network Simulation as a management tool. Network Documentation. Network Security and Administration.
CIT 469:Protocols Design and Programming (2 units)   Introduction: Stages in Protocols design: Problem definition, requirements analysis, protocol design and implementation in software. Protocol design tools. Overhead: bandwidth, CPU, etc. Protocol life cycle. Preparing for future versions of the protocol: version numbers, reserved bit fields, forwards and backwards compatibility. Parameters setting. Desirable protocol features: auto-configuration, robustness (simple, selfstabilization and Byzantine robustness. Documentation and standardization. Planning an upgrade path for future versions. Mobility. Ubiquitous computing. Comprehensive security: Nano-computing, bio-computing.
CIT 422:  Techniques in Data Analysis (3 units)
CIT 425:   Operations Research (3 units) Simple theories of queues, stochastic processes and random numbers, definition and uses of simulation; discrete simulation models, design of simulation experiments; simulation langs, detailed study of a chosen simulation language; applications; Lab. exercises. The nature of operation research; allocation problems; inventory problems; Replacement; maintenance and reliability problems. Dynamic  programming; sequencing and coordination.
CIT 474:  Introduction to Expert Systems (2 units) Study of different classes of expert systems, e.g. Rule Based: MYCIN or PROSPECTOR, Blackboard; HEARSAY or CRYSLIS, Expert System shells e.g. Rule Based: e.g. PMYCIN, EXPERT.  S.I. Frame Based e.g. KEE, KL-ONE Merit and Demerits of natural language interface for expert systems.  Extensive independent study of recent development in the field and the submission of a group proposal for the application of Expert System in different areas.
CIT 478:  Artificial Intelligence (2 units) Basic AI issues attention, Search, Control, Game trees, knowledge representation, Application of AI techniques in natural language, scene analysis, expert systems, KBCS robot planning.  Lab. exercises in AI lang. e.g., LISP/Prolog. 
CIT 484:Website Design & Programming (2 units)   What is HTML;  Basic Tags of HTML; HTML Tag TITLE Tag Body Tag Formatting of Text, Headers, Formatting Tags, Pre-Tag FONT TAG  Special  Characters  Working  with Images META Tag; Links: Anchor  Tag, Lists; unordered lists ordered lists, definition lists, tables : TABLE, TR and TD Tags Cell  spacing and cell padding colspan and Rowspan Frames: Frameset frame Tag, NOFRAMES Tag Forms: FORM and INPUT Tag,; Text Box Radio Button, checkbox. Select tag and pull down. Lists hidden submit and Reset.  Some special Tags: COLGROUP, THREAD, TBODY, TFOOT, blank self, parent top, IFRAME LABEL TEXTAREA.  INTRODUCTION TO Java Script: Java script variables and data types. Statement and operators, control structures object based programming message box in JavaScript, Javascript with HTML forms
CIT 499:Project (4 units) Individual or Group projects of approved topics related to the current research interests in the department.
DAM 461:   Statistical Database System (2 units) Fundamentals of Database Systems: Databases and Database Users, Database System Concepts and Architecture, Data Modelling Using the Entity-Relationship Model.The Statistical database system, Statistical Database Concepts,  Statistical Data Analysis, Mining and Decision Tree  Computer Security and Statistical Databases Application of Statistical Database System  SPEA SMART Airport Statistical Data Management System (SMART STAT) 
CIT 499:Projects   Individual or Group projects of approved topics related to the current research interests in the department.

Unveiling the Program Structure:

  • Duration: 4 years, divided into 8 semesters.
  • Coursework: A balance of theoretical and practical modules covering fundamentals like computer architecture, programming languages, database management, networking, and IT security.
  • Specializations: Choose from exciting tracks like:
    • Software Engineering: Dive deep into coding, software design, and development methodologies.
    • Information Systems Management: Master data analysis, network administration, and IT project management.
    • Computer Networking: Build and secure robust computer networks, paving the way for a career in network engineering.
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Benefits of Choosing NOUN’s B.Sc. IT:

  • Flexibility: Study at your own pace, balancing your commitments with academic progress.
  • Accessibility: Learn from anywhere in Nigeria with NOUN’s nationwide study centres.
  • Affordability: Compared to traditional universities, NOUN offers an accessible route to a quality IT education.
  • Industry-relevant skills: Gain practical knowledge sought after by top employers in the digital world.

Career Paths for B.Sc. IT Graduates:

  • Software Developer: Design, develop, and test software applications.
  • Network Engineer: Implement, manage, and secure computer networks.
  • Database Administrator: Design, maintain, and secure databases.
  • IT Project Manager: Oversee the planning, execution, and control of IT projects.
  • IT Security Specialist: Protect computer systems and networks from cyber threats.


NOUN’s B.Sc. Information Technology program empowers you to navigate the dynamic world of IT with confidence. With its flexible structure, relevant specializations, and strong industry connections, this program unlocks a treasure trove of possibilities for your future. Embrace the digital transformation and take your first step towards a rewarding career in IT with NOUN!

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology Courses:

What are the minimum entry requirements for NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology programme?

 Minimum of 5 O’level credits including English and Mathematics.

Do I need any prior IT experience before I can enrol for NOUN B.Sc. Information Technology programme?

No prior experience is required, however basic computer literacy is helpful.

What are the job prospects for IT graduates?

The IT industry is booming, with high demand for skilled professionals. NOUN graduates are well-positioned to secure promising careers.


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